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Mill Creek is once again flowing naturally after the diversion system and final berms were removed

LENEXA, KAN. (OCT. 31, 2023) – Mill Creek, impacted by the oil spill near Washington, Kansas, in December 2022, is once again flowing naturally after EPA Region 7 confirmed that the removal of oil was complete during a final visual inspection of the creek completed on Friday, Oct. 13, 2023.

Oil recovery within Mill Creek is complete and Mill Creek flow and water levels have been returned to natural conditions. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will continue inspections and monitoring of riparian restoration for the next five years or until it is determined that monitoring is no longer needed.

EPA Region 7 on-scene coordinators (OSCs) were deployed to the scene after the initial National Response Center (NRC) report on Dec. 8, 2022, to oversee oil containment and recovery operations. During the bulk oil recovery phase, operations were performed 24/7. This phase was completed on Jan. 29, 2023.

Following substantial construction and engineering projects, response personnel were able to access submerged oil impacts in Mill Creek. Oil recovery within Mill Creek continued until May 11, 2023, when response crews shifted their focus to stream restoration.

EPA staff worked more than 6,000 hours and took over 83 trips to the scene. EPA personnel from Regions 3, 5, and 6 supported Region 7, along with staff from the U.S. Coast Guard – Atlantic Strike Team.

In total, more than 54 million gallons of contaminated surface water were treated and discharged back into Mill Creek. Over 650,000 gallons of oil were recovered, including product remaining in the pipeline following the rupture. Approximately 200,000 tons of oil-impacted soil, sediment, and debris were excavated and sent off-site for disposal.

  • Learn more about EPA’s response operations at Mill Creek.
  • View photos of response operations.

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